Stop the Effects of Tooth Decay
Treating cavities is vital to maintaining your oral health and can save you from having to deal with bigger and more expensive dental issues. When caught early on, treating cavities is usually a very minor procedure. We use composite resin, also known as white fillings, to fill cavities.
What Is a White Filling?
Made from the same material used in dental bonding, composite resin is made from a mixture of glass and plastic. It’s specialized to match the shade of your natural teeth and is a long-lasting solution.
How Long Do Fillings Last?
Composite fillings usually last for 10-15 years and are much more aesthetically appealing than traditional amalgam fillings. One of the best ways to maximize the longevity of your fillings is by going to your regular biannual check-ups.
Replacing Silver Fillings
Amalgam fillings are made from a mixture of silver, mercury, and other metals. They have been used for over a hundred years and are considered safe by the FDA. They do, however, release small amounts of mercury over time and are not aesthetically appealing compared to other alternatives.
If you’re unhappy with your amalgam fillings, we can replace them with composite resin. It’s a great way to instantly improve the look of your smile and can usually be done in a single visit.
Protect Your Long-Term Health
Taking care of cavities is an important part of maintaining your overall health. It only takes a few minutes to dramatically increase the long-term health of your smile. Composite fillings look completely natural and seamlessly blend in with your teeth. Schedule your visit with Dr. Curtin today!